Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Good Weekend!

So I made it to the park this past weekend. The weather cooperated at little too well this time and it was quite toasty. Thank you to all the pups that kept their paws crossed for good weather! I got to stay at the park for a little over an hour.

The park was super smelly this time because I saw lots of dogs playing. I was trying to mind my own business in my sniffing when a rambunctious puppy named Evie decided to chase me around. Evie is a Chow/Newfoundland mix and is only 4 months old. He was full of energy and wanted to throw me around like a stuffie toy.

As you can see, he will be a super big pup when he is fully grown. I wasn't too amused when he chased me around. I found refuge on top of a rock and he was still persisitent. At one point, I thought he was going to push me into the water.

After all the chaotic chasing I continued to sniff.And sniff some more.I had a really good time at the park and I'm already counting down to the next trip. This is what I looked like after the park and after the horrific bath I have to endure everytime after the park. I was one tired puggle!

I hope everyone also had a fabulous weekend!


CoCo Puff


Lorenza said...

Hi, CoCo!
Evie sure is full of energy. He has a huge paws!
Glad you had fun at the park.
My weekend was very quiet. We had dusty storms so I had to stay inside me house!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

Looks like you had a great sniffing time at the park! Yay for good weather! Yeah, Evie looks big.

Dandy Duke said...

You look like you had a blast with Evie! We sure hope you get to go to the park again real soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lizzy said...

Wow, looks like you had a grrrreat time (Except for the bath)! That puppy sure is cute, but it does have a lot of energy!


BenTheRotti said...

Hi CoCo,

Evie looks like one energetic bundle of devildogness!! so glad she didn't push you in or i would have had to come show her what happens to dogs who mess with my buddies!!
You look so beautiful in your afterpark snapshot.. i know you had endured the trauma of a bath and were exhausted after the Evie antics... but you sure look gorgeous!!

love n licks,

Ben xxx

Nevis said...

Coco! You're crazy adorable!

Faere said...

CoCo to Evie you were a living breathing stuffy toy! Still looked like a lot of fun! Your dog park looks better than mine. You got water and trees, all we got is grass and a big hill.

Sparky said...

Oh CoCo - Evie made your tail uncurl!

Puggle Preston said...

Hi! Coco,
oh my! That was a puppy?! only 4 months old? goodness!
He is so full of energy. That's how I am in the dog park too! hee hee


Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Looks like you had a super good time CoCo! Thanks for all the well wishes you have been sending my way! I am feeling soooooo much better now! Mom tells me I may even get my place back in the big bed with her tonight! Yeah! I hate sleeping in the big old kitchen all by myself. It's scary in there at night, even with a light on!

Nevis said...

You're so adorable Coco!

Too Cute Pugs said...


Wow! Your trip to the park looks great!

We think you're super cute.

Pug snorts from,
Pearl & Daisy

The Devil Dog said...

Hi CoCo! Glad you had fun at the park. Thanks for visiting. I am not always a naughty dog, or even a devil dog. But when I climb on the chair and from there onto the counter and eat all the leftover spaghetti and meatballs, I am not such a good dog.


Pug Diary said...

Hello Coco, WOW your dog park looks huge ! We do look kinda same,doncha agree ? Thanks for dropping by my Blog. It was nice to meet you - licks from Mimi the Pug

Chef said...

Coco! Every time you were on that rock I was so scared you'd fall in the water!! You have a great park and I'm real glad you had such a good time! That Evie sure tuckered you out but what a sweet sleep, right?

xoxo Chef

Unknown said...

Hi Coco- it's nice to meet you. We went to the dog park today too, and there was a black puggle there that could have been your twin! Your park looks super nice - I wish we had one with a lake!

Clover said...

Hi Coco!
Oh, looks like you had so much fun! Too bad about the terrible bath afterwards. :(
Love Clover xo