Saturday, May 3, 2008

Stupid Pet Tricks!

I have reason to believe that my Mama is intending on sending me to the Circus. Its either that or she forgot that I was a dog and thought that I was a seal. This is ridiculous. The most recent has been, me with the ball.............. I am really good at the command "Leave It," but this has gone far beyond just the mere command. Collectively she has put me on this balancing act far too with carrot treats:...then me with a gourmet cracker...and the craziest of them with a Dingo Bone
Mama has recently have gone as far as having me balance a piece of Mango on my nose. I was not able to show you all that picture because it was taken on a camera phone, otherwise you would know how crazy this has become! And through it all, this is how I feel about it.........

CoCo Puff


Abby said...

Hi, CoCo...

It must be very hard to leave the treats on your feet & not eat them...You are very patient...

Don't be embarassed, we all know the humans are crazy..It's not your fault...

Abby xxxooo

Lorenza said...

Hi, CoCo!
You are sooooo good with those tricks!
I don't do tricks. I have the worst trainer in this world!
Nice butt picture.
Enjoy your weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Awesome job, Coco! That's one heck of a job! We could never "leave it!" We like treats too much!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

CoCo Puff! wow you got talent! nope we don't do that and we ain't gonna let mommy see this or she might get ideas!

Love Licks & waggin TX tails wanting some treats now

powder-puff said...

Hey CoCo!!

Wow you are amazing, i could never do that in a million-billion years!!

Im sorry your momma has mistaken you for a seal, but you look super Adorable balancing that ball on your head!!

lots of love

Puggle Preston said...

I know how annoying it is, Coco. But you are soooo good at balancing. My daddy has been trying to teach me this trick for the longest time. It is really not my thing. When he says the word "balance", I turn my head and roll my eyes. arghh....


Nevis said...

Fantastic tricks! You're so adorable Cocopuff! And stay away from the bearded ladies in the circus. They do NOT have treats in their beards.

Wow, that came out sounding dirtier than expected. yikes!

Lori and Max said...

Haha! CoCo, you are such a good girl! I'm practicing the leave it command with Max and he's sorta got it down IN the house. Outside of the house, is another story.

i said...

You do look like a cute little seal hehe :-) You sure are talented!

Unknown said...

Hi Coco!
You are so cute and so good with your tricks! My mommy doesn't have a clue when it comes to anything beyond 'Sit' or 'Laydown'. Maybe now she'll be inspired to teach me more tricks!


Ferndoggle said...

Those tricks ARE stupid! You should be EATING the cookies, not balancing them on your nose.

Humans tend to have a few screws loose.


Amber-Mae said...

Oh Coco, you're not the only one suffering here. I have to balance ALLLLLL types including the recent one, cream & a strawberry on my freaking muzzle. I even balanced smelly durians. You know that fruit right? Ugh! I hate the balancing trick if you ask me...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Trish said...

Bruiser doesn't keep still long enough for me to try these kind of tricks. You try to place anything by his head or on it and he is twisting and turning, lol. Coco is cute, love his butt pose, lol