Friday, October 21, 2011

Its almost Howl-O-Ween!

Its that time of year again....the one that I'm not too amused with. It should be illegal what the human do to us pups this time of year! Look.....
HAPPY HOWL-O-WEEN! This year, I'm a BUZZZzzzzzZZ-ing BEEEE!
I have antennas....look.....! The black and yellow really accentuate my black fur!
At the end of the ordeal...I got a great treat. My Mama said it looked like I had a cigarette in my mouth!

Happy Howl-O-Ween!!!
CoCo Puff


Dandy Duke said...

You are just the most adorable bee, Coco!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Oliver Tate said...

You make a great bee coco! The yellow really looks nice on your pretty black shiny fur! Hope you get lots of treats for wearing that!

Oliver and jack

Bruschi said...

Buzz Buzz Buzz! CoCo Puff the Bumbling Bumble Bee! you are tooooo cute for words! I know how much you hate wearing clothing, nevermind costumes, but you sure were a good sport about that one! Extra treats for CoCo please!!

Hugs and Licks,
Bruschi & Ebby