Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tricks for Treats!

So I feel like I'm pretty smart for a pup! I've never been to puppy kindergarten or any kind of professional training. I think I work very hard for a good bite to eat. My roomate Susie seems to think that I'm a show off...I just think that she is spoiled and never have to earn her keep. My mama and daddy makes sure that I listen with yummy treats and manage to get me to do lots of stuff: I can sit, down, rollover, and rollover the other way, bang bang, sit up, shake, wave, twirl, look on command, catch a cookie from my nose, high five, give kisses, leave it,...and the list goes on. Mama wants me to be able to know as much as Preston the Puggle does...but I think I have a long way to go. Mama says I'm definitely more Pug than Beagle because my Beagle sniffer seems to be broken. I'm not really good at finding toys and recognizing them by name...I'll need to work on that! Other than that, I'm super loved for all that I am!


Par said...

Your a smart one..!

Ferndoggle said...

Wow CoCo...you're a SUPERSTAR! I particularly like how you've trained your people to say "No More" and then give you more treats!


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi ya Coco Puff! We saw you joined DWB & sniffed over to check ya’ll out! Nice bloggie you are soooooo adorable. We will sniff by often now don't be scared cos we're kinda big & we like to bark loud. If you like to accept a Christmas Spirit Ball Award sniff on over.

waggin TX tail & barking loud

Lorenza said...

Hi, CoCo
I saw your name in DWB and wanted to come and say hello!
You are sooo good with those tricks!
Have a good night

Amber-Mae said...

Great tricks! I can do all of them too except the 'twirl' becoz my hips are not strong enuf. Would love to see what else you can do Coco!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer